Hey Folks-
The freebies lately have been a little slow - but the coupons and sales for the upcoming week are looking good! Here are some new freebies I was able to scrape up!
Free Pet Safety Kit - http://tinyurl.com/l2vcc5
Free Bookmark (SASE) - http://tinyurl.com/lmcajp
Prilosec Sample - http://tinyurl.com/5epd33
Rhapsody -(Free mp3) - http://tinyurl.com/y8klwm
ALL Current Wal-Mart Freebies - http://tinyurl.com/6mfdc2
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Today's Meal Plan Monday! For more meal planning ideas check out Org Junkie here! Oh and just a note - I've decided to go back to the old way of how I post my meal plans (listing how much the meal cost) instead of listing the recipes!
Monday - Turkey Burgers (1 lb. ground turkey $1.00, Bread Crumbs $.25), French Fries ($2.50) Total: $3.75
Tuesday - Bowl'O'Pasta (I know horrible dinner, but they are expiring soon and Tuesday is going to be a quick dinner... .66 cents)
Total: .66 Cents
Wednesday - Chicken Tacos (Chicken 1 lb. .98, Taco Sauce 1.00, Lettuce .75, Tacos .99)
Total: $3.72
Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie (Pot Pie Pastry $2.50, Chicken 1 lb. .98, Fillings 2.50)
Total: $5.98
Friday - Leftovers
Total: $FREE$
Saturday - Pizza (Bought at .99 cents store)
Total: .99 cents
Sunday - Roast Chicken ($3.50 for whole chicken, eat half - $1.75), Noodles ($.75 cents)
Total: $2.50
Total for week: $18.10
New and Revised Schedule!
I've revised my posting schedule ... again - and this time I'm beginning to like it more. Lately I haven't felt too inspired to write anything - and I think it was because I wasn't excited or intrigued by what I was doing ... so I've decided that maybe this schedule will work - and leave me feeling intrigued :D !
Monday - I'll stick with doing meal plan monday, and will probably do a catch-up post of some sort - especially if I didn't post over the weekend.
Tuesday - I've decided to make this day all about freebies and I'll also be linking to Being Frugal's Tightwad Tuesdays - so I'll still keep the tips section...
Wednesday - This day will not be Work-At-Home Wednesday every week, but instead it will be every other week. On the days that I don't post WAWW (Work-At-Home Wednesdays) I'll devote that day to a review - of a product, of a website, etc.
Thursday - This day will still be Thrifty Thursday - but with a greener focus (yes, The Free Central is going green!) and will be talking more about reusing stuff, and repurposing it...
Friday - Will be lots of posts! I'll be posting at least twice - one will be Freebie Friday with Bargain Briana, and the other will be a preview of the next weeks deals from ... CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Pathmark, and on occasion Wal-Mart or Target.
Saturday - Will be focused on one topic every month - so one month it could be about being frugal when traveling, and the next month it could be about becoming frugal!
Sunday - If I do post on Sunday - I'll be doing Kingdom First Mom's $5 CVS challenge, and will be posting pics, etc. of all the deals I got that week!
And of course throughout the week I'll be posting hot deal alerts, freebies, discount codes, and more!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Freebie Friday
Hi everyone -
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Site of the Day!
Todays site of the day is on a website called Mother Earth News (which I found through one of my favorite books - 573 Ways To Save Money) and they had an article on how to make Artisan Bread (or just bread!) in 5 minutes a day! The process is pretty simple ... make the dough, let it rise for 2 hours - and stick it in the fridge! It makes enough for multiple loaves of bread and when you want to make a loaf - just take some dough out and let it rise for 20 minutes. Here's the link directly to the article - but they also have lots of other different stuff available also!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Hello Folks!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
CVS $5 Challenge
Hi folks!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Savings Saturday
Well for today's Savings Saturday post I decided that I would compile a list of all of my favorite saving sites, coupon sites, frugal blogs, and work - at - home sites! Recently I had started listing them all - and figured it might make a cool blog post ... so here it goes!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ok... I'm officially back!
Hello Readers (if any are still there)...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Review: Examiner.com
Recently I stumbled across a website called examiner.com - and boy does it have a wealth of information. It's a little bit like other writing websites (such as Associated Content) - but the writers go through a much lengthier application process, and it's a lot more "organized". Each writer who writes for them writes on one topic - such as Money, Vehicles, Parenting - etc.! I must say this site has a ton of knowledge and some great writers! It's a really cool website with some really interesting topics! My favorite "examiner" would definitely be the Teen Parenting Examiner Libby J. - you can visit her pieces, profile and more here: Examiner - now some of the articles are New York Area based - but most aren't. Now my second favorite "examiner" would have to be the Frugal Family one - of course she writes many frugal articles - which I do enjoy! You can find her here: Examiner 2 !
That's all for now folks!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Hey folks!
Well it's another week of Meal Plan Monday and here are my meal plans for the week! Enjoy! And if you'd like to see more meal plans like this one visit Org Junkie!
Monday - Mexican Casserole - 1/2 LB. Ground Beef ($.94), 1 Can Corn (.45), 1 Jar Salsa (.99), 3 Cups Egg Noodles (.50)
Total: $2.88
Tuesday - Hamburgers + Rice - 1 LB. Ground Beef ($1.89), 8 Slices Bread (.30), 1/2 Onion (.25), 1 Cup Rice (.30)
Total: $2.74
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Chicken Casserole - 3/4 LB. Chicken ($1.26), 1 Cup Rice (.30), 1 Can Cream of Chicken (.89), 1 Cup Celery (.25)
Total: $2.80
Friday - Pizza - Celeste Pizzas ($1.00 Each)
Total: $2.00
Saturday - Spaghetti w/ Veggies - 1 Box Spaghetti .80, GG Steamers .66
Total: $1.46
Sunday - Potluck - Bringing Eclair Cake - Graham Crackers (2.50), Vanilla Pudding (.70), Marshmallows (.99)
Totals for week: $16.07 (doesn't include breakfast, lunch, or beverages)
Note: My totals for the day/week are lower than most since our family is smaller. This also allows us to have leftover meals more often than most 4 person or more families.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Here's a short little list of freebies everyone! Hope you enjoy!
Free Pack of Basil Seeds
Free Sample Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer
Free Sample Cottonelle Wipes
Free Sample Caress Evenly Gorgeous Body Wash
Free Samples from Pathmark
And sadly, one of my favorite freebie sites Best Daily Freebies is sadly closing down their site soon. While it's still open be sure to head on over and visit! Their one of the best, most reliable sites on the web! Oh and in other news - The Free Shoppe has started a new group on Yahoo called The Free Shoppe Newsletter where you get a daily newsletter that the group owner sends out daily. So if you're just looking for a quick shot of freebies - this is perfect!
WOW! We have reached 44 subscribers! I can't believe it! I just want to say a shout out and thank you to anyone who subscribes to our blog, either through e-mail or a feed reader! Anyway, since it's Sunday I'll be doing the CVS $5.00 challenge later - and might be posting Meal Plan Monday a little early! Anyway - just wanted to do a short post to say thanks!
Monday, March 30, 2009
CVS Deals 3/29, Walgreens Deals 3/29
Here are the deals for this week! I didn't least them all - but pulled my favorites :) !
Glade Sense + Spray $5.99
Use $4.00 off 1 Coupon from March All You
Use B1G1 Printable Coupon (was on Glade website - but doesn't seem to be available anymore)
Total: $1.99 for 2
Receive $2.00 ECB
Total: FREE
Veet Gel Product $5.49 **Buy 2**
Use $2/1 Printable Coupon
Use $2/1 Printable Coupon
Receive $5 ECB
Total: $1.98 for 2
Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber Starter Kit $2.99
Use $2.75/1 Printable Coupon
Receive $1.00 CRT
Total: .76 PROFIT
Walgreen's Deal Glitch!
(Thanks to Drugstore Divas )
This week at Walgreen's the Soft Soap Body Washes are on sale for $3.99, when you buy one - you get a catalina for a free bottle of Soft Soap Body Wash on your next visit. Well rumor has it that when you go in and use your "free" coupon out prints another coupon for another FREE bottle! Now depending on how nice your store is... you could get a lot of free body washes. Here's a scenario I put together!!
Transaction 1:
Soft Soap Radiant Spa Body Wash $3.99
Use $1/1 Coupon from 3/29 Paper
Total: $2.99
Receive a catalina for a free bottle on your next purchase ($3.99)
Transaction 2:
Soft Soap Radiant Spa Body Wash $3.99
Use $1/1 Coupon from 3/29 Paper
Use $3.99 Catalina
Total: $1.00 PROFIT
Receive a catalina for a free bottle on your next purchase!
You could keep on doing this! I would suggest doing this soon though, because as soon as Walgreen's finds out - it's going to be gone!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
This week we're doing Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Click on the button below if you want more Meal Plans, or if you want to check Org Junkie out!
Monday - Chicken with Rice - Chicken (Cooked 3 Pounds, Used 1 Pound, .99), Rice (Cooked 1 pound, 1/2 lb. .50)
Total: $1.49
Tuesday - Crockpot Chicken Soup - (Used 2 Pounds from last night $1.98, Rice from last night $.50, Vegetables - Frozen and were FREE after coupon)
Total: $2.48
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Ritzy Chicken Casserole (A favorite, I got the recipe in an E-Book called "Censtible Suppers") - (Ritz FREE at CVS, Chicken 1 Pound .99 cents, Sour Cream .99 cents, Cream of Chicken Soup .75 cents)
Total: $2.73
Friday - Pizza (Dough $.75, Sauce $1.50, Cheese .59)
Total: $2.84
Saturday - Spaghetti (.99 cents)
Total: .99 cents
Weekly Total: $10.53
Average $$ per night: $1.75 (when you divide the total by the number of nights)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Shopping Sunday
Went to Pathmark today - and I saved over $100.00 and spent $66.00. I also got $13.00 to spend on my next shopping trip and 2 coupons for $1.00 off a $10 purchase! I did pretty well - I got (I'm rounding up the totals):
5 Celeste Pizzas $5.00
5 Bird's Eye Boxed Veggies $5.00
6 Shout $15.00
2 Pepperidge Farm Garlic Bread $3.00
5 Hunt's Tomatoes $4.00
5 Hunt's Snack Pudding $5.00
5 Banquet Entrees $5.00
5 Brown N Serve Sausage $5.00
2 Barilla Pasta Sauces $2.00
Ground Turkey Value Pack (6 Pounds) $7.00
3 Plantains $1.00
2 Edy's Ice Cream $6.00
2 Dole Fruit Naturals $3.00
Please feel free to comment with your shopping trips, scenarios, or anything really or leave a link! We've added a Mr. Linky box! So all you have to do is leave your name/blog name and the link straight to your post (not your homepage, but the post) and title it "Shopping Sunday" or whatever you like!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thrifty Thursday
Well on today's topic of Thrifty Thursday I've been on vacation for the past 3 days and you know it wouldn't be a scooter vacation with out a little bit of coupons! The hotel we stayed at was great, it was close to all the attractions, included breakfast AND dinner (and this was no skimpy grab a cinnamon roll, these were 3, 4 course meals!) and had a great pool and hot tub! We had a nice room - anyway back to it! I had the opportunity to shop at an Aldi (yes, I do post the deals, but we don't have one here locally) and let me tell you that was the best shopping experience I have ever had! Okay so I impulsed shopped a little bit (picked up a 3 pound bag of powdered sugar, which I will use and was only .79 cents!) - even though they didn't except coupons they had some great prices, the store was immaculate and the people were nice. I would rate it a 9 out of 10 (only because they don't accept coupons!!). I also had the pleasure of shopping at a Grand Union - which I normally don't and was able to get some cheap little debbie 100 calorie snack cakes (normally $1.59, marked down to $1.29 - .55 coupon doubled = .19 cents), and some FREE 100 Calorie Oreo Cakestars (I got a coupon from Kraft First Taste program - if you aren't a member, you should go sign up!) - and I also picked up a 9 inch Pyrex Glass Pie Plate for $2.99 (impulse...). Then I stopped into this great little gift shop which was also a thrift shop (my favorite) and picked up a gift for my mom, a porcelin turtle for myself (from thrift shop - gift for mom from store) and a candle (from thrift). Now I drove past a JC Penny - and remembered I needed a new pillow - and they had them on sale for $5.99. Well it's just my luck that today when catching up I find out there's a $5 off $5 savings pass for JC Penny!!! I could've gotten myself a .99 pillow - normally 11.99! I was pretty annoyed. Also picked up a stocking holder - since my old one broke - i don't use it for stockings, but for towels. Take one of those 3M hooks and take off the sticky part, and put it on the back of the stocking stuffer - then stick it to the wall and it will hold a towel nicely (and be holiday themed) you could also use any other type of adhesive (it would probably me much easier) for $1.97 (normally $19.99!) anyway I was happy! In all my trips I spent about $35.00 and saved over $100!
100th Post!!!!!!
WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! It's our 100th post here at The Free Central ! I'm so excited! I never thought I would make it to 100 Posts on a blog, but we did! Thanks so much for all my readers who continue to read even though I haven't posted much lately -- anyway - thank you sooo much again, for everything I really, really appreciate it (oh and boy oh boy do I have some posting to catch up on!)! Anyway, thanks again, and it's our 100th post!
Monday, February 9, 2009
FREE Glade Sense + Spray!!
At Walgreens the Glade Sense + Spray is $9.99, use the $4.00 off 1 Coupon from 2/8 Insert, and the B1G1 Printable Coupon to get 2 Glade Sense + Sprays for $5.99. Then submit them for Rebate #28 for $3.00 each, gettting you $6.00 BACK! Making them free!
Glade Sense + Spray $9.99
Use B1G1 Printable Coupon
Use $4.00 off 1 Coupon from 2/8 Insert
Total: $5.99 for 2
Submit for ESR (Easy Saver Rebate) #28 for $3.00 each!
Total recieved back $6.00
Making them FREEEEEEEEEEEEE! And I've been wanting to buy these for a little while!
Walgreen's Freebies
There are also some pretty good deals at Walgreen's this week if you're a Walgreen's fan (My first choice of store is CVS, then Rite-Aid, and then Walgreen's) - a good amount of freebies!
Revlon Creme Lip Gloss
FREE After Rebate
Use $2.00 Coupon from 2/8 Insert
Total: PROFIT $2.00
Gillette Fusion Gamer, Venus Spa Breeze, Embrace Razor $10.00
Use $4.00 Gamer Coupon from 2/8 Insert
Recieve $6.00 Register Rewards
Total: FREE
Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Hair Care $2.99
FREE After Rebate
Use $1.00 Coupon from 2/8 Insert
Total: PROFIT $1.00
Therma Care Heat Wrap Trial Size $2.49
FREE After Rebate
Total: FREE
CVS Freebies
Lots of good freebies this week at CVS - these are only the freebies, and not all the deals - I would suggest checking out Kingdom First Mom for some great scenarios!
Earinse $7.99 - Get $7.99 ECB
Nabisco Wheat Thins/Ritz (Small Boxes) FREE after $2/2 Coupon from 1/25 Insert
Gillette Shampoo $4.99
Use $2.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Recieve $3 ECB
Total: FREE
CVS Chewable Children's Aspirin $1.99
Recieve $1.99 ECB
Total: FREE
Gillette Fusion Razor $4.00
Recieve $4.00 ECB
Total: FREE
Hello again!
Hello everyone -
Why how I've missed this blog! Know I wasn't here over the weekend, but back with some great Freebies, and the CVS deals and Walgreen's deals for the week! Know it's a little late, but if you haven't gone yet, you might want to check them out :) ! Anyway here are some freebies to get you going:
Get a Free Recipes 4 Life E-Book
Great Valentine's Day Recipes
Get a Free Skin for your Accu-Check
Free Valentines LED Flashing Heart Pin
Free French Stallion Horse DVD
MIR - Aunt Jemima Pancakes
Free Sample Nelson Bach Rescue Cream
MIR- Macaroni + Cheese Crackers
Shop @ Handheld Items and get 10 % off using code: HANDHELD10
Friday, February 6, 2009
Personal Break
Hello everyone...
A lot of stuff has been going on in my life lately, and I've just been a little overwhelmed. I've been working on our new site, trying to keep this blog going, running my normal life, and it's just been a lot. So I'm going to be taking a personal break for a few weeks, and will not be posting on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Hopefully when things get back to normal and a little less hectic - I will be able to continue with my daily posting. You'll probably see me here a lot on Fridays, Saturdays, Sunday's and Mondays, and definitely not Tuesdays/Wednesdays! I hope I have not lost any of my readers and will keep all of you in my mind. And don't worry, I'll still be posting the Drugstore deals! If you need to get in touch with me about anything just send an e-mail to thefreecentral@gmail.com and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Now in the meantime of my 2-day a week absence, I would love for you to check my 5 favorite blogs and enjoy them!
Kingdom First Mom
Being Frugal
New Frugal Mom
Deal Seeking Mom
Consumer Queen
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm so sorry that I've been so distant lately - just a lot going on here lately! I am sooo behind on posting the deals, and that's because I'm working on getting our new blog The Free Central Deals up! Lately I've been feeling like this blog has been bogged down lately with way too many deals. So what I've decided to do is post all of the supermarket deals and super store deals, and just post the Walgreen's, CVS, Rite-Aid, and best, best deals here! I've been trying to go towards frugalness a lot lately, and I promise you (yes promise!) that I will try my hardest to post some freebies! And maybe actually post a site of the day once in a while! Maybe by the end of the month - we may even have an actual website? Who knows! Thanks so much for reading the blog, I really appreciate all of your support.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Assorted Glade Coupons
Here are some Glade coupons which you can find on the Glade website! They include:
B1G1 Free Sense & Spray Printable Coupon
B1G1 PlugIn's Gel Warmer Printable Coupon
B1G1 PlugIn's Scented Oil Lasting Impressions Printable Coupon
Also Coupons.com has updated their coupons for the month, print yours now before they go!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Rite Aid Deals 2/1
Here are this week's rite -aid deals! Please give courtesy to The Free Central thanks!
Benefiber $9.99
$2.00 Coupon from 1/4 Insert
$3.00 SCR #29
(Can also be used toward SCR #50 - Free T-Shirt)
Total: $4.99
Rite-Aid Toilet Paper (12-pack single roll, or 6-pack double roll) 2 for $6.00
$1.00 SCR #121
Total: $5.00 for 2
Almay Eye Cosmetics $5.99
$3.00 SCR #62
$1.00 Coupon from 12/14 Insert
$1.00 Coupon from 1/11 Insert
Total: $1.99
Doritos B1G1
Total: Varies
Bayer Enteric Aspirin $7.69 (buy 3)
$3.00 off 1 In-Ad Coupon (use 3)
$10.00 Rite-Aid Gift Card SCR#43
Total: $4.07 for 3
Here's my transaction for the week:
Buy 3 Bayer @ $7.69 each
Buy 1 Benefiber @ 9.99 each
Total: $33.06
-$3.00 In-Ad Bayer Coupon
-$3.00 In-Ad Bayer Coupon
-$3.00 In-Ad Bayer Coupon
-$2.00 Benefiber Coupon
-5.00 Rite-Aid $5/25 Coupon (if you have one)
Total after Coupons: $22.06 (w/ no $5/25 coupon)
Total w/ $5/25 coupon: $17.06
-$10.00 Rite-Aid Gift Card Rebate #43
-$3.00 Benefiber SCR #29
-$10.00 Rite-Aid Gift Card Rebate #98
-FREE T-Shirt SCR #500
Total: $6.00 profit!!!!!!!!!
CVS Trip Today
Well I went to CVS today and got 2 Speed Stick 24/7 Deodorants, 1 3-Pk. Irish Spring Soap, 3 Johnsons Buddies, 2 Softsoap Body Washes, 4 boxes of Peeps, and Softsoap Hand Soap. I paid $6.76 or $2.76 after ECB's! I used: .75/1 Speed Stick 24/7 twice, $3/3 Printable Johnsons Coupon, $1.00 off 1 Softsoap Body Wash twice, .35 off 1 Hand Soap. Then used a $4/20 Coupon, and $4.50 in ECB's.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Frugal Friday
Hi everyone! It's Friday! Thank God! Well I have some ECB's I have to use up by the end of today so this is going to be a short post since I have to run to CVS - but anyway's .... here's this week's round-up of some of my favorite posts!
Organizing Your Way - 7 Quick Tips for Organizing Socks
Being Frugal - Started a Deals Section!
Consumer Queen - Help Vote Daisy (CQ's Resident Dog) the winner!
Deal Seeking Mom - Win an iPod Touch!
And those are just some of my favorite posts! Check my Blog Roll for more of my favorites!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What do you think?
Hey everyone! Just wondering how much everyone likes the new Blog Layout! I thought it looked nice! Please leave a comment to let me know! I'll be posting the Rite-Aid deals tomorrow!
Pathmark Deals 1/30 - 2/5
Colgate Toothpaste .99 cents
.75 Coupon -we didn't have one here :(
.50 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: FREE
Hunt's Tomatoes 5 for $5.00
Ortega Taco Dinners $2.29 (buy 2)
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 1-11 Insert
Total: $3.58 for 2
Pepperidge Farm Wheat Crisps 2 for $5.00
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: $4.00 for 2
Gatorade 5 for $5.00
America's Choice Drumsticks/Theighs .99/lb.
Kraft Cheese Bars 2 for $5.00
Swanson Meals 5 for $5.00
Red Baron 12'' Family Style Pizza $2.50 (for the regular)
$5.00 off 2 Tearpad found at 7-11!
Total: FREE
Furlani's Garlic Toast 2 for $3.00
Nabisco Ritz Crackers 2 for $5.00
$2.00 off 2 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: $3.00 for 2
This is my first week doing pathmark - and these are a few of my favorite deals for the week!
At my local store they double coupons up to .99 cents, and occasionally will triple a ,99 cent
coupon. They don't accept I.P. coupons at my local store :( , unless I get a really nice cashier
or one that I'm friendly with.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Albertson Deals
Make sure to check out Frugal Living Online for more of the Albertson Deals for the week! There seem to be a couple good ones J !
Hamburger, Chicken, or Tuna Helper .99 cents (get 3)
$1.00 off 3 Printable Coupon
.50 cent Safeway Double Coupon
Total: $1.47 for three
Kraft Shredded Cheese $1.99
.75 off 1 Blinkie - found in Fred Meyer Stores!
.50 cent Safeway Double Coupon
Total: .49 cents
Those are my two favorite deals Angela said she would be sure to post some more deals tomorrow - so make sure to check out her blog for more deals tomorrow!
Great Post @ Organizing Your Way
I loved today's post over at Organizing Your Way on Socks - and what to do with them when they come out of the laundry! Socks are my least favorite thing about laundry ~~laundry can be rather therapeutic sometimes :) ~~ since you have to find the other one, match them together, etc. - it's just tedious work! Well I thought Mandi did a great job with her post and you can check it out here:
Monday, January 26, 2009
Milk Coupon!
Here's a great $1 off 1 Carton of Over The Moon milk! Yay! A milk coupon! Get it here:
Menu Plan Monday
Hello! Once again, we’re doing Meal Plan Monday! Be sure to head on over to Org Junkie for some great meal plans!
Monday - Chicken with Noodles - Chicken (.99/lb - used 1/lb.) .99 cents, Noodles (2.00, used 1 package) $2.00
Total: $3.00
Tuesday - Chicken Noodle Soup (can…), and Garlic Bread - Soup (FREE @ Pathmark), Garlic Bread ($1.29)
Total: $1.29
Wednesday - Tuna Casserole - Tuna (FREE at Wal-Mart), Rice (.75 cents), Cheese ($1.99, used half .98 cents), and Veggies ($1.00)
Total: $2.73
Thursday - Garlic Roast Chicken, Rice - Chicken (.99/lb. - used 1 lb.) .99 cents, Garlic (.50 cents), Spices (.75 cents), and Rice (.75 cents)
Total: $3.00
Friday - Pizza - Dough (.50 cents), Cheese (.99 cents), Chicken (leftover)
Total: $1.49
Saturday - Spaghetti (.99 cents), Ground Beef (.99/lb.), Veggies (FREE @ Wal-Mart)
Total: $1.98
Sunday - Roast Chicken (.99 cents/lb, used ½ $1.98), Veggies ($1.00
Total: $3.00
Totals for the week: $16.49!
I made my goal of feeding everyone for less than $3!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kroger Deals
Here are the Kroger Deals for the week! Check out Cincinnati Cents for more of this week’s steals and deals!
Driscoll’s Blueberries 10 for $10.00
Red Potatoes $2.99 for 5 pounds
Lean Cuisine Entrees $1.88
$1.00 off 2 Printable Coupon
Total: $2.76 for 2 or $1.38 each
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers .99 cents
.50 off 1 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: FREE
Cattleman’s Barbecue Sauce $1.19
Ghirardelli Brownie Mix $1.69
Daisy Sour Cream $1.49
.50 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: .49 cents
Meijer Deals
Head on over to Cincinnati Cents for more Meijer Steals and Deals!
Meijer Fresh Chicken Breasts $1.69 /lb.
Sweet Seedless Navel Oranges $1.99 for 5 pounds
Red Baron Pizza 3 for $9.00
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 1-11 Insert
Total: $7.50 or $2.50 each
Hormel Chili .99 cents
.55 cents off 2
Total: .50 cents each
Goldfish $1.00
Walgreen's Deals
Walgreens Deals
Here are this week’s Walgreen’s Deals. Head on over to Mommy Snacks or Deal Seeking Mom for more deals!
Orajel $8.49
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
ESR $8.49
Submit Rebate Form from 1-11 Insert (up to $8.49)
Total Paid: $7.49
Total Back: $16.98!
Colgate Toothpaste $2.99
$2.00 RR Back
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
.75 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: Free - .24 cents
Reeses Whip’s B1G1
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
Total: FREE
Degree Deodorant $1.99 (buy 8)
$10.00 RR Back
$1.50 off 2 Coupon from 1-11 Insert (Use 4)
Total: FREE with 0.8 Cent Overage
Printer Cartridge $5.00
ESR $5.00
Total: FREE
Puffs .89 cents
.25 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert
Total: .64 Cents
Auto Expressions Vent Fresh Elite Auto Air Freshener $4.99
Submit for FULL ESR at Walgreens
Submit M.I.R. Printable here: http://www.autozone.com/images/in_our_stores/store_rebates/ventfresh_0911_08.pdf
Total: FREE with $5.00 Overage
Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil .99 cents
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 12-14 Insert
Total: FREE
All items in RED are FREE!
CVS $5.00 Challenge
Once again, we’re doing the CVS challenge. Our goal - to spend no more than $5.00 and receive ECB’s back for the product’s we purchase! Head on over to Kingdom First Mom for more of the CVS $5 challenge!
Transaction #1:
Gillette Fusion Razor $7.99
$4.00 off 1 Coupon from 12-28 Insert
Total: $3.99
Receive: $4.00 ECB
Transaction #2:
Gillette Shampoo $4.99 (buy 2)
$2.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-18 Insert (use twice)
Total: $5.98
Use $4.00 ECB
Final Total: $1.98
Receive: $6.00 ECB
Paid: $5.97 (darn…only .97 cents over!!)
ECBS Back: $6.00
Made: .3 cents!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
iStockphoto - 20 FREE pics
Here's a quick freebie round up folks! My favorite is the i-stock photo freebie (thanks to deal seeking mom for this one!!) - get 20 free images!
Sign Up for a FREE iStockphoto account or log in.
Choose 20 High Resolution Photos worth $100 from a collection of 60 worth $100
Also get 20% off your order of 50 or more pay-as-you-go photos! Just use code: AVERYBINDER
Savings Saturday
Hello everyone! Welcome to another edition of Savings Saturday! Will be posting the Rite-Aid, Walgreens, and CVS deals tomorrow morning! Thought I would share with you how I keep track of my spending money. As some of you know I freelance (writing mainly) and often my pay check is deposited into Pay Pal. Well I don't spend too much online (shop mainly offline), so I've set up a system where whatever I have in my online account, I can use offline - it's like my "spending piggy bank" , but online. Every week I log on and see how much money I have in my account whatever it is - I can spend. I can't go over the amount in the account, and I can gladly stay under. By using the money in my pay-pal account to help with my offline spending - I'm saving myself time and effort figuring out the "spending" money I have. Here's an example:
I have $25.00 in my Pay Pal account. That means I have $25.00 to spend on items other than groceries, drug store items, and neccesities. I can choose to use the money or save it. It's a good system, since it re-pays me. By spending $25 offline, I know I can re-pay it with the $25.00 I have online. Get it?
Now if you don't have a Pay Pal account you can do the same thing with a small box, drawer, or envelope even. Every month collect your spending money and stick it in an envelope and seal it. That's right seal it - now write the total amount of money inside the envelope on the outside. Now when you want to go and buy something subtract it from the money inside - write on the outside of the sealed envelope how much you have remaining. Now you ask why don't we just take the money from the envelope? Because we get to see how much we're actually spending and can be reassured that we can pay ourselves back.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Frugal Friday + Round - Up
Hey everyone!
Welcome to another edition of Frugal Friday! Today we are going to talk about how to save money each month - on DVD’s and no … it doesn’t involve the library. It involves a little something called Red Box. Most Wal-Mart’s have a Red Box in the entrance way, by the Customer Service desk. It’s basically a vending machine, where you rent DVD’s. You check your DVD out for $1, and return it the next day. Now - we know it’s much more frugal to save $1.00 ~~~maybe put it toward our next CVS ;) ~~~ . Well Deal Seeking Mom (who is part of Eleven Moms - sponsored by Wal-Mart) posts codes that can get us FREE DVD’s. I would suggest checking her post on how Red Box works and the codes ~~~FREE DVD’S - there ain’t nothing better than cheap - then free!~~~
Deal Seeking Mom - Red Box 101
Being Frugal - TGIF - They’ve started a forum!!
Farm Home Life - Rewards Programs
Aldi Deals
Aldi Deals
Here are just a few of my favorite deals for the week, head on over to Cincinnati Cents for more Aldi deals!
Broccoli Crowns .79 cents
Premium Pizza $2.29
Chicken Wings (4 pound bag) $6.99
Baby Carrots ( 1 pound bag) .99 cents
Cheese Blocks (8 ounces) $1.99
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Albertson Deals
Check out Frugal Living Online for more of this week's Albertson Deals! These are just a few of my favorites,
and it looks like they have some good deals!
Celestial Seasonings Specialty Tea $1.99
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/11 Insert
Safeway has a double coupon worth .50 cents
Total: .99 cents after Mfg. Coupon or .49 cents after both
Kellog's Cereals + Special K Bars $1.75 (you must buy 4)
$1.00 off 1 Kellog's Cereal Coupon from 12/14 Insert
$1.50 off 2 Kellogs Cereal Coupon from 1/18 Insert
$1.00 off 1 Special K Coupon from 12/14 Insert
Safeway Doubles (Minus $2)
Total: .25 cents and up
Quaker Rice Snacks $1.25
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Safe Doubles (Minus .50 cents)
Total: FREE with .25 cent overage
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm so sorry to not have posted yesterday - but Tuesday's are my busiest day - so I can be scarce! Anyway I recently stumbled upon a site called www.bookcloseouts.com , where books range from 25%-75% off the regular "store" price. They also have a Scratch&Dent section where books are at least 75% off. They either don't have a jacket (also referred to as a "dust jacket"), a dent, or a marking on them. They had a $20 book for $3! Anyway - to the point! There having a Dollar for Dollar sale on 10,000 different titles. Spend $10, and get $10 to spend. So you could buy 1 book for $10 and then use the $10 you get back to get 3 selected books! Head on over to the site for more details (and if you shop through MyPoints, you get 3 points per dollar)
Now, here is the second edition of Work At Home Wednesday - and this will be a short post on a couple of search engines that could help you earn while searching!
One of them is called Scour , where for every search you can earn three points toward a $25 Visa Gift Card. For each search you do, you get 1 point. Then for each search you rate (give a thumbs up or thumbs down) you get another point. Do that for two results, and you get three points per search! Now you need 6,500 points, or about 2,600 searches. Now the points do add up over a couple of months - especially if you search a lot! So why not go over and give it a try!
Another one is called Winzy where with each search you earn 2 points, and those points get you entries into sweepstakes. You also have a chance to win a prize with each search (a gift card, money, electronic gift, etc.) - it's pretty cool and a little simpler than Scour.
My last favorite is called Swag Bucks. Every search you do gets you a chance to win Swag Bucks. Swag Bucks can be redeemed for Gift Cards, and prizes in the Swag Shop. You also get points for reading the newsletter, shopping through their site, and going green by recylcing your cell phone!
Hope these sites help in your WAH experience!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Menu Plan Monday!
Monday - Green Bean Casserole (Frozen - made about a month ago on Casserole Day) - Green Beans (.66 cents), Cheese (1.49), and Pasta(.75 cents). Total: $2.90
Tuesday - Swanson Frozen Dinners (ugh I hate these!) $1.00 a piece Total: $2.00
Wednesday - Pasta with sauce - Pasta (.75 cents), Sauce (homemade -1.25) Total: $2.00
Thursday - Chicken 'N' Dumplings - Chicken (1.99/lb - used 1 lb.), Dough (.50 cents), Spices, etc. (.50 cents) Total: $2.59
Friday - Homemade Pizza (pre-frozen, made 2 weeks ago!) Dough (.50 cents), Sauce ($1.25), Toppings (1.25) Total: $3.00
Saturday - Potluck dinner - I'm bringing Little Snowballs (traditionally made around Christmas, I'm making them with a spring feel for the "Almost Spring Potluck" and I'll be dipping them in cocanut flakes died with green and pink food coloring) Total: $2.50
Sunday - Spaghetti and Meatballs - Spaghetti (.75 cents), Meatballs ($1.99) Total: $2.74
Total for the week: $17.73
I stayed under my $3 a meal goal even in a rushed week - lets hope!
Target Deals
Here are the Target Deals for the week, check out Stretching A Buck for the rest!
Pepperidge Farm Baked Natural Snacks $2.33
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Total: $1.33
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs $2.00
.35 off 1 Coupon from 1/11 Insert
Total: $1.65
Weight Watchers Smart Ones $1.75
$1.00 off 5 Printable Coupon
$2.00 off 4 Coupon from 10/19 Insert
Total: $7.75 for 5 OR $5.00 for 4
Check out Stretching A Buck for more great deals this week!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Wal-Mart Deals
Here are just some of my favorite Wal-Mart deals for the week! Head on over to The Centsible Sawyer for more deals and steals!
Small Box of Arm+Hammer Baking Soda .50 each
$1.00 off 2 Printable Coupon
Total: FREE
Green Giant Steamers $1.00 each
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 11/16 Insert
.50 off 1 Coupon from 1/4 Insert
Total: FREE- .50 cents
Nestle Hot Cocoa $1.00
.75 off 1 Printable Coupon
Total: .25 cents
Guerrero Tortillas $1.00
$1.00 off 1 Printable Coupon
Total: FREE
Betty Crocker Boxed Sweet Potatoes 2 for $1.00
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from December Insert (Unsure of which - was in my overflow)
Total: FREE
DeMets Sugar Free Chocolate Turtles $1.50
$1.50 off 1 Coupon from 11/16 Insert
Total: FREE
Honey Bunches Of Oats - Just Bunches Cereal 2 for $2.00
$2.00 off 1 Printable Coupon
Total: FREE plus $2.00 Overage!
Suave Hand Lotion (3 oz. - not travel size) .97 cents
$1.00 off 1 Suave Lotion from 12/14 Insert
Total: FREE
Gillette Body Wash $2.00
$2.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Total: FREE
Johnsons Buddies Soaps .99 cents
$3.00 off 3 Printable Coupon
Total: FREE
Tide (Trial Size) .99 cents
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 12/14 Insert
Total: FREE
Aldi Deals
Aldi is a no-frills supermarket which does NOT accept coupons, and do NOT have many name brands. They only accept cash and debit and be sure to bring your own bags or be prepared to pay for them. You also must pay for your cart (a quarter) which you get back when you return your cart. Now why would we shop here? Because they have some great prices on produce and milk products. You can also find some major steals and deals on everyday items.
Check out The Centsible Sawyer for more Aldi Deals!
Baby Carrots: .99 cents
Celery .79 cents
Brocolli 2 Pack .79 cents
Cauliflower .79 cents
Clanci's Corn Chips $1.19
Juicy Juice 8 Pack $1.99
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce $1.79
Meijer Deals
Here are some of the best Meijer Deals for the week. Head on over to Cincinnati Cents for more deals!
Bar S Bologna $1.00
Starkist Tuna Creations/Pouches 20% Off
B2G1 Coupon from the 1/4 Insert
Dole Salad Blends 2 for $3.00
Select Pears .89 per lb.
Buy 2 Ocean Spray Drinks, get a FREE 5 Pound Bag of Grapefruits
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/11 Insert
Meijer Pudding 4-Pack .79
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter 3 for $4.00
.60 off 2 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
$1.00 off 2 Meijer MealBox Coupon
Total: .80 cents each
Eggo Waffles 2 for $3.00
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 12/14 Insert
Total: $1.00
Buy 4 Boxes of Kellogs Cereal (on sale 4 for $10.00) and get $2.00 off your order
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 12/14 Insert
Total: $6.00 for 4 Boxes, Plus $2.00 off your order
Don't forget to check out Cincinnati Cents for more deals!
Kroger Deals 1/19
Here are the deals for the upcoming week, enjoy! Thanks to Stretching A Buck for the deals!
Kraft Cheese (bars, cubes, string, shredded) $1.49, use $1 Printable (this campaign stopped a while ago, but if you have the coupon - use it!)
Total: .49 cents!
Snapple $.50 each
.75 off 1 from 12/14 Insert
Total: FREE
Green Giant Steamers $1.09
.50 off 1 from 12/17 Insert
.50 off 1 from 1/4 Insert
Total: 0.09 cents!!
Cheetos $1.69 each
Goldfish $1.09 each
Orville Redanbacher's Popcorn $1.69
$1.00 off 1 Printable
Total: .69 cents
Quaker Instant Oatmeal $2.19
.70 off 1 from 1/4 Insert
Total: .79 cents
Hungry Man Dinners $1.49
Kraft Miracle Whip $2.49
.75 off 1 from 1/18 Insert
Total: .99 cents
Kleenex Facial Tissue $1.09
.50 off 3 from 1/4 Insert
Total: .76 each (buy 3)
Note: The above prices reflect your total after you have bought 10 participating prodcuts in the mix+match, to get $5.00 off your bill!
Deals I'll Post from Now ON!
Hey Everyone!
Just thought I'd give everyone a list of all the deals I will post weekly. I come up with the Rite-Aid deals myself, and borrow from Deal Seeking Mom certain deals. Please note: I give FULL credit for all deals that I post here, and would be glad to post your deals here!
Shop Rite
Super Centers:
K-Mart (Only when they double)
K-Mart Double Week!!
This week certain K-Marts around the country are doubling coupons. If your local K-Mart is doubling then I suggest you head over for some great deals!!
Revlon Beauty Tools $1.79
$1.00 off 1 from 10/12 Insert
$1.00 off 1 from 10/19 Insert
$1.00 off 1 from 11/16 Insert
$1.00 off 1 from 1/11 Insert
Total: FREE
Colgate Total Toothpaste $2.00
$1.00 off 1 from 1/4 Insert
Total: FREE
Endust Cleaning Products $3.99
$2.00 off 1 from 11/9 Insert
Total: FREE
Reach Floss $1.99
$1.00 off 1 from 10/12 Insert
Total: FREE
Gillette Body Wash $3.99
$1.00 off 1 from 1/18 Insert
Total: FREE
Zantac $7.99
$1.50 off 1 from 11/9, and $5.00 Mail In Rebate from 11/9 Insert
Total: FREE
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix $1.00
.40 off 1 from 10/19 Insert
.40 off 1 from 11/16 Insert
Total: .20 each (buy 5 in one transaction and get $1
Unfortunately there is a limit of 4 products with doubled coupons - but that doesn't mean you still can't stock up!
For more steals and deals with the K-Mart deals head on over to Bargain Briana
CVS $5.00 Challenge
We're doing Kingdom First Mom's CVS Challenge this week - not too much this week, but here are some of my deals! Visit her and more deals here: Kingdom First Mom
Transaction A:
CVS 24 Hour Allergy Relief $3.79, get $3.79 ECB
Use $4.00 ECB
Total: FREE - Get $3.79 ECB
Transaction B:
Dawn Dish Soap B1g1 $1.99
Use .50/1 Coupon from 1/28
Total: .50 each - or $2.00
Transaction C:
Rogaine Regular $19.99 (DONATING TO SHELTER), get $5.00 ECB
Use $15 Printable
Use $3.79 ECB
Total: $1.20, Gt $5.00 ECB
Total: $3.20
Got: $5.00 ECB
Made: $1.80
$1.00 off 1 Toaster Strudel Printable Coupon
Find a $1.00 off (I believe 1, not sure) coupon for Pillsbury Toaster Strudel here:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Money Saving Mom - Saving Saturday!
Hi folks, this week we're doing Money Saving Mom's Super Saving Saturday! You can find more stories on her website at: http://www.moneysavingmom.com/
At CVS this week I scored:
10 Febreze Candles .79 each= FREE
2 Boxex of Cheese Crackers $1.98 each, $2 ECB back, $3 EVS Brand Q**see below! = $1.06 Profit!
Total: -1.06
ECB: $2.00
Reeses Whipps 2 for $1.00 $1/2 Coupon, bought 10 = FREE
Total: .17 for tax!!
Local Supermarket:
Asstd. Pasta 3 for $3.00 - $1.00 Catalina = $2.00
Swanson Dinners: 3 for $3.00 - $1.00 Home Mailer = $2.00
Green Giant Steamers 10 for $10.00 - $1.00/1 Coupon = FREE
Celeste Pizzas: 10 for $10.00 - No Coupons = $10.00
Total: $14.00
Value: $60.00
VALUE: $152.00!!
SAVED: $139.00!!!!
**Please do not use the $3.00 off CVS Brand Coupon - I was misinformed about it and thought it was legite. We try our hardest to be ethical couponers - although this one seemed to slip through our eyes.
Walgreens Deals 1/18
Hey everyone! Here are this weeks Walgreens deals, expect a round-up of the Rite-Aid, Meijer, Aldi, Kroger, Publix, Homeland, Wal-Mart and CVS deals too come in the next couple of days!
Buy 4 Skippy Peanut Butters, and 4 Ragu Pasta Sauces $1.99 Each
Buy 8, Get $10.00 Register Rewards Back
Use .40 off 1 Skippy Coupon from 11/16/08 Insert
Use $1/3 Ragu Coupon from 11/16/08 Insert
Total: $3.32 for 8, or .41 each!!!!!!!
Bayer Aspirin 2 Pack - Buy 8 at $2.50 each
$1/1 Bayer Coupon from 1/4/08 Insert
Buy $20, Get $10.00 Register Rewards
Total: $2.00 for 8 or .25 each!!!!!!
Mauna Loa Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts 2 for $4.00
ESR Instant Coupon $3.00 off 2
Total: $1.00 for 2 or .50 each!!!!!!
Total for ALL Items (after rebates, RR, and coupons): $6.32
RR Back: $20.00
PROFIT MADE: $13.68!!!!!!!!!!!!
See Deal Seeking Mom for more deals!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rite-Aid Deals Week of 1/18 - 1/24
Here are the deals (if you want to post them somewhere else - feel free to! Just give credit back to The Free Central since it took me almost 2 hours finding the deals and matching them! thanks!)
Dove Go Fresh Spray $3.00
SCR #81 $2.00
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Total: FREE
GE light bulbs soft white longer life $2.00
SCR # 110 $2.00
Total: FREE
Extra Gum Buy One, Get One Free
Use BOGO Coupon from the 1/12 issue of People Magazine
Suave Shampoo .99 cents
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 11/16/08 Insert
Total: $.98 for 2
Softsoap Liquid Handsoap .99 cents
$.35 off 1 Coupon from 1-4-09 Insert
Total: $.64 cents
King Size Candy Bars and 8 Pack Candies .99 cents
Wet ’N’ Wild Cosmetics .99 cents each
Motts Apple Sauce .99 cents each
Hormel Chili .99 cents each
$.55 off 2 Hormel Chili Products from 1/18 Insert
Total: $1.43 for 2
Heinz Gravy .99 cents each
Bounty Paper Towels .99 cents each
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 12/28 Insert
Total: $.98 for 2
Ajax Dish Liquid .99 cents each
Kleenex Tissues .99 cents each
$1.00 off 3 Coupon from 1-4-09 Insert
Total: $1.97 for 3
Renuzit Adjustable Air Freshener .99 cents each
Mentos Gum 2 for $2.00
$1.00 off 2 Coupon from 12/14 Insert
Total: $1.00 for 2
Trident Multi-Pack $1.99
$1.00 off 3-Pack Coupon from 12/7 Insert
Total: .99 cents
Huggies Baby Wipes, Huggies Body Wash/Lotion 2 for $5.00
SCR #30 $2.00
$.50 off 1 Huggies Wipes Coupon from 1/11 Insert
$1.00 off 1 Body Wash/Lotion Coupon from 1/11 Insert
Total: $1.00 for wipes, .50 for Body Wash
PLUS this is valid toward the Kimberly Clark Rebate (#48) Buy $25.00 worth
Of Kimberly Clark Products and get a $10 Rite Aid Gift Card.
Colgate Kids Toothpaste $1.50
$1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
Total: $.50
Bic Razors 4 Pack $4.99
SCR $2.00
$2.00 off 1 Coupon from 1/18 Insert
Total: .99 cents
Thrifty Thursday
Hi folks!
Well today is Thrifty Thursday and I have some great tips, not on buying from thrift shops, but donating to thrift shops, food banks, and shelters. In today's economical status food banks around the country (and shelters) are suffering. People get paid less, they donate less. Which is where your couponing skills come in handy. We all know how to get FREE items, or how to score items for next to nothing - well there are often items we don't need - but we pick them up anyway since their free or next to nothing. Well I know I have at least 10 cans of soup I got for free in flavors that I hate - but they were free. Instead of suffering through eating them, I can donate 10 meals to the local food bank for FREE! I'm making a huge difference for FREE! So the whole point - when you go to the store and get all those free and next to free items ... maybe pick up a few extras for the local food bank and help donate lots for nothing!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Work-At-Home Wednesday
Hi Folks!
Welcome to the very first edition of Work at Home Wednesday! We'll be discussing ways to make, and save money from home. But please, please do not worry - there will be absolutely nothing on MLM schemes, or any of those "I made 1,000,000 in two months and so can you!" schemes either. To tell you the truth - I won't even link to anything that has to do with making money online - lots of people make money from home. Anyways - I thought I would share with you my three ways/tips to stay safe when you work from home!
1. If the business requires a "small" membership fee - throw that letter straight into the trash (or the shredder). NO reputable company should make you pay for information, or to become an employee. Does it really make sense to pay for a job - when the job should be paying you.
2. Don't give your e-mail out to anyone. It's simple - the site should provide you with info, without you providing them with an e-mail address. If you just have to know about the opportunity (which I never have had to) then go sign up for an e-mail address that isn't related to your personal e-mail address. That way when you start to get spammed - it won't clog up your personal e-mail.
3. Check with the BBB or the Better Business Bureau! People who have had trouble with a company, report their experiences to the BBB - and the BBB posts the info for the public to see. If the site your looking at has even one BAD rating - just walk away since it's really, really not worth it.
Money-Tips Tuesday!
So sorry to have not posted yesterday - have been SO busy lately! Anyway - this week I'm not going to throw tips at you - but I am going to give you three links (to three of my favorite blogs) on how they coupon - and the basics of couponing(or Coupon 101!) Well my first pick would have to be Consumer Queens Coupon Tips! You can find them here: http://www.consumerqueen.com/getting-started
My next favorite site for "Couponing 101" would be Lynnae's post on how she uses the Grocery Game to help her save money on her groceries - you can find it here:
And last, but not least would be Deal Seeking Mom's list of resources on how to get the coupons, you can find it here (also click on Grocery Grab - lots of great stuff there):
Free Bottle Of Suave!
There's still time to get a coupon for a free bottle of Suave Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash - just go to: http://www.suave.com/nomics/index.html you have until midnight tonight! So make sure to head on over and get your FREE Coupon!
Coupon Alert!
Get a free $10.00 coupon booklet from Eat Better America!
You can sign up here: http://freecoupons.eatbetteramerica.com/EBA1Coupon/Default.aspx?ESRC=431
Thanks so much to: Coupon Princess Goes Blogging
Monday, January 12, 2009
Meal Plan Monday - Org Junkie!
Monday - Turkey Sloppy Joes, and Veggies - Buns (1.99 on sale - used 4, .99), Manwich (.50 on sale), Ground Turkey (On Sale, Marked Down $.99 lb. - used 1 lb. - .99), and GG Steamers (.23 cents on sale) Total: $2.71
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Homemade Pizza - Dough (.69 cents), Sauce (From Stockpile), Spices (From Stockpile), and Cheese (1.79) Total: $2.48
Thursday: Meatball Subs - Bread ($1.19 for a loaf - I didn't buy "sub" bread, just used regular sandwich bread - used 10 slices .39 cents), Sauce (Homemade - 1.19), and Meatballs ($1.99 - but only used 1/2 so about .99 cents) $2.57
Friday - Going to a Potluck, bringing Cookies! Used one of my favorite "Little Snowball" recipes, will post later in the week. Think it cost me about $2.50 for all of them) Total: $2.50
Saturday - Make Your Own From Leftovers Day!!!
Sunday - Roast Chicken With Potatoes - Chicken (.99/lb used 2 lb = $1.98), Potatoes (.25!!) Total: $2.23
Weekly Totals: $12.49!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
CVS $5.00 Challenge
Here's Kingdom First Mom's $5.00 CVS Challenge!! You can find more on the CVS Challenge and read Kingdom First Mom's Scenarios here: http://www.kingdomfirstmom.com
Transaction #1:
Buy 2 Pack Cheerios Cereal $7.99
Use $1/2 Printable
Get $4.00 ECBS
Paid: $6.99
ECB: $4.00
Transaction #2:
SoyJoy Six Pack $6.00
Use $1/5 Printable
Get $6.00 ECBS
Use $4.00 ECB from Transaction #1
Paid: $1.00
ECB: $6.00
Total Paid: $7.99
ECB: $6.00
OOP: $1.99 for 2 Boxes of Cheerios, and 6 Soy Joy Bars!
Round-Up of Today's Deals
Hi Folks!
Just wanted to do a round-up of all of my favorite deals for the week at Target, CVS (will be doing this with Kingdom First Mom when she posts), Walgreen's, and Rite-Aid! Here are just a few of them!
Look for the $3.00 off when you buy 3 coupons for Chex Cereal. The Chex Cereal is currently $1.67 at Target, then look for the Buy 2 General Mills Cereals, Get 1 FREE coupons. Combine these coupons to get 6 Boxes of Chex Cereal for $4.02 and get 2 FREE Boxes.
6 Boxes = $10.02
Minus 2 $3/3 Coupons
6 boxes = $4.02
Buy 2, Get 1 FREE Coupon (Use TWICE)
Get 9 Boxes of Chex Cereal for $4.02!
Electrasol $4.49
$2.00 SCR
$2.50 Coupon from 1/4 Insert
Ziploc Bags $1.99 on sale - buy 2
Use .50 in ad coupon twice
Use $1.00/1 Coupon from 12/7 Insert
Total: $1.98 for 2
BOGO Speed Stick
$1.00 SCR
Total: $1.99 for 2 (At least where I live - you may want to do a price check)
Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner $14.99
$5.00 ESR
$3.00/1 Coupon from TODAY'S Insert
Total: $6.99
Dark and Lovely Hair Color $5.00
$5.00 RR
Equal Sweetener 2 for $5.00
$2.50/1 Coupon from 1/4
Aquafresh Toothpaste $2.99
$2.00 Instant Coupon
$1.00 Internet Printable here: http://www.aquafresh.com/Coupons.aspx
Oust Air Sanitizer BOGO
Use BOGO Coupon from from 11/23
Windex Wipes BOGO (Cost $3.79 Each)
.40/1 Coupon from TODAY'S Insert
FREE Windex Wipes Canister Mail In Rebate in TODAY'S Insert
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Savings Saturday
Well I must say - I am pretty proud of myself. I just submitted 3 pieces to one of my publishers and that should bring in about $10.00! Bringing in $10.00 this week will definitely help me reach my goals! If I do that for just 3 weeks I'll be over my goal of $25.00! I've also decided to do a new addition to Savings Saturday where I will track all the savings I have had from Sunday - Saturday! So far this week I have saved drumroll please:
$469.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO WHOOO WHOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am more than my way there to my $5000 goal for the year - then again I did spend some good cash this week - I really needed to stock up on some stuff so I won't be expecting to save that much money each week (probably about $100 a week). Check out Kingdom First Mom for a freebie round-up, and don't forget to check us out and Kingdom First Mom tomorrow for the CVS $5.00 challenge!
Menus 4 Moms
Recently I was reading through a few blogs and a couple mentioned a site called Menus 4 Moms. Where each week you would get a meal plan delivered to your e-mail for that week. Well you know me - I just had to check it out to see if they had any "Frugal" meal plans - and they did! Unfortunately it costs $5.00 a month, or $60.00 a year. So if I signed up for that and The Grocery Game - I would be paying about $120 a year on online expenses. Now - believe me both of these sites are amazing resources and I highly reccommend them - but for me they weren't thing. Until I saw that Menus 4 Moms had a FREE Basic Meal Plan for five nights of the week, and all you had to do was subscribe! I just subscribed and thought I would share this "insider" tip of Menus 4 Moms. One day - I might even sign up for the Frugal Menu! Check it out here:
Friday, January 9, 2009
Favorite Posts of the Week
Being Frugal - How To Make A Frugal Mocha
Gather Little By Little - The Gathering
Frugal Mom - Budgeting Week One
Deal Seeking Mom for the latest deals!
Thrifty Thursday
Recently in one of my trips I came across a huge container filled with assorted knives, forks, spoons, and utensils. They were ranging from funky ones, to old tarnished ones. I picked up a few - thinking well here's some more clutter. But just a few minutes ago I had a great idea - why not throw a dinner party where each guest gets a different set of silverware and they get to take it home with them! It would only cost about $10.00 and would be alot cheaper than other party giveaways! What do you think - just another funky, whacky idea from Scooter!
I feel like I am lacking behind so much - oh wait I am! So sorry to not have posted the last few days, just had some complications Tuesday and Wednesday and was just getting back into the swing of things yesterday - but I'm back and have so much e-mail and so many blogs to catch up on! Anyway - today is going to Money Tips Tuesday, Thrifty Thursday, and Frugal Friday all tied into one - plus I'm going to be doing a post on all of my favorite posts from this week (from my blogroll!). So - I hope you pull up a chair, grab a cup of cozy hot tea, and settle in for a lot of reading!
Recently I was reading through an old post of one of my favorite blogs, and it had a whole week devoted to money-saving tips. Well here are a few of my favorite that I stick true to - always!
1. Be Careful What You Clip - By that I mean, Coupons. Often when we're flipping through those wonderful inserts we clip about 15 coupons for items that we don't need to buy - exactly what the company wants you to do - there providing you with an incentive to buy their product. But do we really need to try NEW Special K Bars - no, since I'm not going on a diet soon and I'm not that big a fan of them - I don't need to buy them.
2. Wait for the sales - It's great when you have a coupon for something - but you'll save about 50% more if you combine it with a sale! So wait off on the Grape Jelly which you have a $.75 coupon for, until it goes on sale - it'll probably be about 1.99 and a .75 coupon doubled is $1.50, so it'll end up to be about .49 cents!
3. Make Starbucks At Home - If you bought a $3.oo coffee every morning for 3 mornings a week, that would be close to $500.00 a year! So why not make it at home - or better yet stop all together! Lynnae at Being Frugal did a blog post yesterday on how to make a Frugal Mocha - check her out on my blogroll!
4. Read - I can't believe I am saying this because my whole life I have heard about how reading is the key to knowledge - but it's so true. By reading The Tightwad Gazette I learned so much - by reading Blogs I save so much, and by reading books I open up a world opporunity. So stop by the local library and pick up a few books!
Rite-Aid Deals Week of 1/11/09 - 1/17/09
Rite-Aid Deals (Week of 1/11)
Some of my favorite deals for the week include:
Electrasol: $4.49 on sale
Get $2.00 Single Check Rebate (Rebate #121)
Use $2.00 Coupon from the 1-4 Insert
Total: FREE
Ziploc Bags: $1.99 each on sale - buy 2
Use .50 in ad coupon, twice
Use $1.00 off 2 Coupon from the 12-7 Insert
Total: $1.98 for 2
Glade Scented Oil Refills: 2 for $5.00
Use $1.00 off 2 in ad coupon
Use $2.50 off 2 Coupon from the 12-7 Insert
Total: $1.50 for 2
Glade Candles: 2 for $5.00
Use $1.00 off 2 in ad coupon
Use $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the 12-7 Insert twice
Total: $2.00 for 2
BOGO Lady Speed Stick/ Speed Stick
Get $1.00 Single Check Rebate (Rebate #2)
Total: Unsure
Savings: 50% to 75%
BOGO Maybelline Cosmetics
Use $3.00 off 1 Maybelline Foundation from the 10-26 Insert
Use $1.00 off 1 Maybelline Mascara from the 10-26 Insert
Total: Unsure
Savings: 50-75%
BOGO Valentines Bagged Candy
No Coupons Found
Total: Unsure
Savings: 50%
Tide 40-50 Loads, Bounce 105-120 Count, or Downy 48-60 Loads $5.99
Use Tide Coupon $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the 12-14 Insert
Use Tide Coupon $1.00 off 2 Coupon from the 12-28 Insert
Use Bounce Coupon $.25 off 1 Coupon from the 12-28 Insert
Use Downy Coupon $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the 12-14 Insert
Total: $4.99-$5.74
BOGO Planters Mixed Nuts
No Coupons Found
Total: Unknown
Savings: 50%
BOGO Kellogs Cereals Include:
Special K, Smart Start, Frosted Mini Wheats, or Raisin Bran
Use Special K $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the 12-4 Insert
Use Smart Start $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the 12-14 Insert
Use Frosted Mini Wheats $1.00 off 1 Coupon from the Nov. All You Magazine
Use Raisin Bran .75 off 1 Coupon from the 1-4 Insert
Total: Unkown
Savings: 50-75 %
Friskies Cat Food (5.5 oz can ONLY) .40 Cents
No Coupons Found
Total: .40 Cents!!
Loreal Preference Hair Color: 2 for $17.00
Use $5.00 In Ad Coupon
Use $2.00 off 1 Coupon from the 10-19 Insert EXPIRES 1-11-09!!! Twice
Total: $8.00 for 2
Savings: At Least 25%
Pepsi Products - Buy 3 12-pack cans or 6-pack bottles 3 for $10.98 get a FREE Mountain Dew Voltage 12-pack cans
Use $1.00 off 1 12-pack cans Pepsi Coupon Printable here:
http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=rj5tadp87677388&bt=vi&o=54246&c=RV&p=R8LGzfCb twice (will only let you print two)
Total: $8.98 for 3 12-Packs of Pepsi and a FREE Mountain Dew Voltage 12-pack
Savings: At least 50%
Motrin IB (165 Count) $9.99
Use $1.00 off 1 Motrin Product Printable Here:
Total: 8.99
Savings: Unkown
Advil Tablets (50 Count), Liquates (40 Count), or PM (16-20 Count) $4.99
Use Advil PM $1.00 off 1 Coupon from 11-2 Insert
Use Advil PM Printable $2.00 off 1 Coupon found here (bottom left hand corner)
Total: $2.99-$4.99
Benefiber $9.99
Get $4.00 SCR (Rebate #38)
Use $2.00 off 1 Coupon from 10-19, 12-14, or 1-4
Total: $3.99
Pepto-Bismol $2.99
No Coupons Found
Total: $2.99
Bayer Aspirin $1.99
Use $1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
Total: $.99
L’Oreal Vive Shampoo/Conditioner $2.99
Use $1.00 off 1 Coupon from 1-4 Insert
Total: $1.99
Buy One, Get One 50% off Cover Girl Nail, Lip, and Eye Cosmetics
No Coupons Found
Total: Unkown
Monday, January 5, 2009
Freezing Veggies
Here's a quick tip I found on freezing veggies! Easy + Simple and can save you some money!
Blanching Veggies
How - To: http://www.ehow.com/how_13887_blanch-vegetables.html
Learn how to freeze your own veggies!
Meal Plan Monday
Hi Everyone!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
CVS and Wags Trips Today!
Here's all that I got at CVS and Walgreens today!I spent $1.55 to get $32.00 worth of stuff!
I got:
3 Garnier Shampoos - All FREE
2 Glade Scented Oil Refills - $.25 Each
3 Bowl Fresh - $.33 Each
1 CVS Hand Sanitizer - FREE
Paid: 5.50 (I think!!)
Back In ECB and Rebate: $4.00!
Thought I did pretty good - and I got a coupon for a free trial size of Aqua Fresh Toothpaste!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Rite-Aid Deals
Last Wednesday I went shopping at Rite-Aid and fell in love! I very much enjoy Rite-Aid now and look forward to it! (I'm going to be typing up an article on the How-To's of Rite-Aid very soon!) Here are my top 2 favorite deals for this week for Rite-Aid!
Rebate #54
SoyJoy Bars - Purchase Any 10, and get $5.00
Sale 10 for $5.00
Use $3.00 off 10 SoyJoy bars from tomorrows insert
Makes a $3.00 Profit!!
Rebate #77
Garnier Fructis Shampoo/Conditioner - Purchase 1 and get $2.00
Sale $3.00 each
Use $1.00 off 1 Garnier Shampoo/Conditioner from the 10/5/08 inserts or the 11/9/08 inserts
Makes them - FREE
Friday, January 2, 2009
Frugal Friday
Welcome to another edition of
Recently I was scanning through some of my favorite blogs and looking in some of my favorite message boards, when I stumbled across a post by Lynnae at Being Frugal on how she saves money on her wwekly groceries - buy using something called The Grocery Game. I had recently read about The Grocery Game in the local paper - and headed on over to the website to sign up - to my dismay tyou had to pay to become a member :( , so I left the site - knowing I could just use A Full Cup's or Coupon Mom's list - that was until I came across the post from Lynnae where she highly recommended signing up - and of course they had a $1.00 trial for 4 weeks (instead of the usual $5.00 for 4 weeks OR $10 for 8 weeks) - so I've been considering signing up. I'm not sure - what do you think? You can head on over to http://www.thegrocerygame.com/ and tell me what you think!
Anyway - back to the topic of Frugal Friday - I was reading an article at Simple Moms onhow she plans her meals every week - she uses Google Calendar and uses a bookmark service to bookmark all the recipes she finds on the web. So when she's planning her meals for the week she can log onto her Google Calendar and then log onto her bookmarks and figure out what she wants to do with what meals. Well - I figured why not post my meal plans like that (don't worry - this is only to supplement Org Junkie's MPM) - with the recipes and all - and have you (the readers) be able to view my calendar? Starting next MPM (January 5th) we're going to start posting the meal plans, links to the recipes, and how much the meal costs in Google Calendars! Be sure to check back here on Monday!
You may be wondering what this amazingly long post has to do with Frugal Friday - well on top of my goals for the year (of saving at least $5000) I would like for the total cost of my whole meal NOT to exceed $3.50 - thats right the whole meal to not exceed $3.50 - of course this doesn't include Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Families Birthdays - but yes... thats my goal!
Hope you enjoyed today's post I'll try to post some freebies later today!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My Goals for 2009
2008 was a great year and we got started with blogging! SO much has happened and it's been a great journey! Some of my goals for 2009 include:
Blog Goals for 2009!
Continuing with Kingdom First Mom's CVS $5 Challenge - I did this once and plan on doing it ALOT more!
Start Doing More Reviews - I've done one so far and should start to do some more! I hope to do a review once every two weeks - on top of Meal Plan Monday there will now be Many Reviews Monday!
Continue with Meal Plan Monday - I did pretty well with this one, but would like to start doing Org Junkie Meal Plan Mondays! Every week I'll post a Mr.Linky on the site with our meal plans here, and then post back to the Org Junkie site so you can find tons of other great menu plans!
Try to stick to topics - I know I set out a schedule for the blog a while back (Frugal Friday, Savings Saturday, Thrifty Thursday, etc.) but I didn't stick to it very well! So I would like to try and continue with that!
Do a Link of the Day, Every Day - I definitely need to catch up on some of the most interesting links of the day - I've only done about three!
Post Photos - I would definitely want to post some photos of all of the steals and deals I get every week at CVS, Rite-Aid, etc. and post the deals to go along with it!
Get 100 Subscribers - I know it sounds ambitious but lets try!
Financial Goals for 2009:
Save at least $5000 on my grocery bill - I saved closed to $2000 since I started couponing, etc. in October of 2008 - lets see how much I can save in 12 months!
Pay Myself with my Savings - This is a biggie! I've decided that with all of my savings I get from couponing - I'm going to deposit it into a bank account! This is of course after I donate and after I pay off any expenses for the month - whatever is left over goes into the account!
Freelance - I do occasionally freelance for a few sites - and I would like to bring in a steady income of about $25.00 a month (know it doesn't seem like a lot) or about $300.00 a year.
What are some of your goals - feel free to share, oh and by the way
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!