Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

Well on today's topic of Thrifty Thursday I've been on vacation for the past 3 days and you know it wouldn't be a scooter vacation with out a little bit of coupons! The hotel we stayed at was great, it was close to all the attractions, included breakfast AND dinner (and this was no skimpy grab a cinnamon roll, these were 3, 4 course meals!) and had a great pool and hot tub! We had a nice room - anyway back to it! I had the opportunity to shop at an Aldi (yes, I do post the deals, but we don't have one here locally) and let me tell you that was the best shopping experience I have ever had! Okay so I impulsed shopped a little bit (picked up a 3 pound bag of powdered sugar, which I will use and was only .79 cents!) - even though they didn't except coupons they had some great prices, the store was immaculate and the people were nice. I would rate it a 9 out of 10 (only because they don't accept coupons!!). I also had the pleasure of shopping at a Grand Union - which I normally don't and was able to get some cheap little debbie 100 calorie snack cakes (normally $1.59, marked down to $1.29 - .55 coupon doubled = .19 cents), and some FREE 100 Calorie Oreo Cakestars (I got a coupon from Kraft First Taste program - if you aren't a member, you should go sign up!) - and I also picked up a 9 inch Pyrex Glass Pie Plate for $2.99 (impulse...). Then I stopped into this great little gift shop which was also a thrift shop (my favorite) and picked up a gift for my mom, a porcelin turtle for myself (from thrift shop - gift for mom from store) and a candle (from thrift). Now I drove past a JC Penny - and remembered I needed a new pillow - and they had them on sale for $5.99. Well it's just my luck that today when catching up I find out there's a $5 off $5 savings pass for JC Penny!!! I could've gotten myself a .99 pillow - normally 11.99! I was pretty annoyed. Also picked up a stocking holder - since my old one broke - i don't use it for stockings, but for towels. Take one of those 3M hooks and take off the sticky part, and put it on the back of the stocking stuffer - then stick it to the wall and it will hold a towel nicely (and be holiday themed) you could also use any other type of adhesive (it would probably me much easier) for $1.97 (normally $19.99!) anyway I was happy! In all my trips I spent about $35.00 and saved over $100!