Saturday, January 24, 2009

Savings Saturday

Hello everyone! Welcome to another edition of Savings Saturday! Will be posting the Rite-Aid, Walgreens, and CVS deals tomorrow morning! Thought I would share with you how I keep track of my spending money. As some of you know I freelance (writing mainly) and often my pay check is deposited into Pay Pal. Well I don't spend too much online (shop mainly offline), so I've set up a system where whatever I have in my online account, I can use offline - it's like my "spending piggy bank" , but online. Every week I log on and see how much money I have in my account whatever it is - I can spend. I can't go over the amount in the account, and I can gladly stay under. By using the money in my pay-pal account to help with my offline spending - I'm saving myself time and effort figuring out the "spending" money I have. Here's an example:

I have $25.00 in my Pay Pal account. That means I have $25.00 to spend on items other than groceries, drug store items, and neccesities. I can choose to use the money or save it. It's a good system, since it re-pays me. By spending $25 offline, I know I can re-pay it with the $25.00 I have online. Get it?

Now if you don't have a Pay Pal account you can do the same thing with a small box, drawer, or envelope even. Every month collect your spending money and stick it in an envelope and seal it. That's right seal it - now write the total amount of money inside the envelope on the outside. Now when you want to go and buy something subtract it from the money inside - write on the outside of the sealed envelope how much you have remaining. Now you ask why don't we just take the money from the envelope? Because we get to see how much we're actually spending and can be reassured that we can pay ourselves back.