Monday, January 26, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Hello! Once again, we’re doing Meal Plan Monday! Be sure to head on over to Org Junkie for some great meal plans!

Monday - Chicken with Noodles - Chicken (.99/lb - used 1/lb.) .99 cents, Noodles (2.00, used 1 package) $2.00
Total: $3.00

Tuesday - Chicken Noodle Soup (can…), and Garlic Bread - Soup (FREE @ Pathmark), Garlic Bread ($1.29)
Total: $1.29

Wednesday - Tuna Casserole - Tuna (FREE at Wal-Mart), Rice (.75 cents), Cheese ($1.99, used half .98 cents), and Veggies ($1.00)
Total: $2.73

Thursday - Garlic Roast Chicken, Rice - Chicken (.99/lb. - used 1 lb.) .99 cents, Garlic (.50 cents), Spices (.75 cents), and Rice (.75 cents)
Total: $3.00

Friday - Pizza - Dough (.50 cents), Cheese (.99 cents), Chicken (leftover)
Total: $1.49

Saturday - Spaghetti (.99 cents), Ground Beef (.99/lb.), Veggies (FREE @ Wal-Mart)
Total: $1.98

Sunday - Roast Chicken (.99 cents/lb, used ½ $1.98), Veggies ($1.00
Total: $3.00

Totals for the week: $16.49!
I made my goal of feeding everyone for less than $3!!