Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Recently I stumbled across a website called - and boy does it have a wealth of information. It's a little bit like other writing websites (such as Associated Content) - but the writers go through a much lengthier application process, and it's a lot more "organized". Each writer who writes for them writes on one topic - such as Money, Vehicles, Parenting - etc.! I must say this site has a ton of knowledge and some great writers! It's a really cool website with some really interesting topics! My favorite "examiner" would definitely be the Teen Parenting Examiner Libby J. - you can visit her pieces, profile and more here: Examiner - now some of the articles are New York Area based - but most aren't. Now my second favorite "examiner" would have to be the Frugal Family one - of course she writes many frugal articles - which I do enjoy! You can find her here: Examiner 2 !

That's all for now folks!
