Today's Meal Plan Monday! For more meal planning ideas check out Org Junkie here! Oh and just a note - I've decided to go back to the old way of how I post my meal plans (listing how much the meal cost) instead of listing the recipes!
Monday - Turkey Burgers (1 lb. ground turkey $1.00, Bread Crumbs $.25), French Fries ($2.50) Total: $3.75
Tuesday - Bowl'O'Pasta (I know horrible dinner, but they are expiring soon and Tuesday is going to be a quick dinner... .66 cents)
Total: .66 Cents
Wednesday - Chicken Tacos (Chicken 1 lb. .98, Taco Sauce 1.00, Lettuce .75, Tacos .99)
Total: $3.72
Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie (Pot Pie Pastry $2.50, Chicken 1 lb. .98, Fillings 2.50)
Total: $5.98
Friday - Leftovers
Total: $FREE$
Saturday - Pizza (Bought at .99 cents store)
Total: .99 cents
Sunday - Roast Chicken ($3.50 for whole chicken, eat half - $1.75), Noodles ($.75 cents)
Total: $2.50
Total for week: $18.10
Monday, August 31, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
New and Revised Schedule!
I've revised my posting schedule ... again - and this time I'm beginning to like it more. Lately I haven't felt too inspired to write anything - and I think it was because I wasn't excited or intrigued by what I was doing ... so I've decided that maybe this schedule will work - and leave me feeling intrigued :D !
Monday - I'll stick with doing meal plan monday, and will probably do a catch-up post of some sort - especially if I didn't post over the weekend.
Tuesday - I've decided to make this day all about freebies and I'll also be linking to Being Frugal's Tightwad Tuesdays - so I'll still keep the tips section...
Wednesday - This day will not be Work-At-Home Wednesday every week, but instead it will be every other week. On the days that I don't post WAWW (Work-At-Home Wednesdays) I'll devote that day to a review - of a product, of a website, etc.
Thursday - This day will still be Thrifty Thursday - but with a greener focus (yes, The Free Central is going green!) and will be talking more about reusing stuff, and repurposing it...
Friday - Will be lots of posts! I'll be posting at least twice - one will be Freebie Friday with Bargain Briana, and the other will be a preview of the next weeks deals from ... CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Pathmark, and on occasion Wal-Mart or Target.
Saturday - Will be focused on one topic every month - so one month it could be about being frugal when traveling, and the next month it could be about becoming frugal!
Sunday - If I do post on Sunday - I'll be doing Kingdom First Mom's $5 CVS challenge, and will be posting pics, etc. of all the deals I got that week!
And of course throughout the week I'll be posting hot deal alerts, freebies, discount codes, and more!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Freebie Friday
Hi everyone -
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Site of the Day!
Todays site of the day is on a website called Mother Earth News (which I found through one of my favorite books - 573 Ways To Save Money) and they had an article on how to make Artisan Bread (or just bread!) in 5 minutes a day! The process is pretty simple ... make the dough, let it rise for 2 hours - and stick it in the fridge! It makes enough for multiple loaves of bread and when you want to make a loaf - just take some dough out and let it rise for 20 minutes. Here's the link directly to the article - but they also have lots of other different stuff available also!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
Hello Folks!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
CVS $5 Challenge
Hi folks!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Savings Saturday
Well for today's Savings Saturday post I decided that I would compile a list of all of my favorite saving sites, coupon sites, frugal blogs, and work - at - home sites! Recently I had started listing them all - and figured it might make a cool blog post ... so here it goes!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ok... I'm officially back!
Hello Readers (if any are still there)...